Monday, October 26, 2009


A true friend stabs in the front. - Oscar Wilde

Indeed. =) Let's stab each other, shall we true friends?

No wonder-lah acquaintances stab in the rear. Now I know. Only now I know.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pertelingkahan Idea

Soalan yang paling malas I nak jawab setiap kali ber-YM ialah;

'Awak open tak?'

Sebab I tahu, in the end, definisi open bagi orang tu dengan definisi I ialah sangat berbeza. Worlds apart. Maka I ambil solution yang mudah.

I jawab; 'Sorry I nak pergi makan. Bye.'

Kemudian I terus set permanently invisible to this person.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Genggam Impian

Bila I perasan orang yang I kisah actually tak berapa kisah sangat tentang I, buat acuh tak acuh, I boleh terus shut down orang tu daripada jiwa I. Walau seberapa sayang pun I pada dia.

Mengejar impian yang tak kesampaian memang bukan dalam kemampuan I. Jadi, apa yang I buat ialah, kau tak kisah sangat, aku pun tak kisah mana.

Because I deserve to be treated better.

Sedar tak sedar, sebenarnya ada orang yang diam-diam kisah tentang I.

Sedikit sebanyak, I tahu apa sebenarnya impian yang I patut perjuangkan.

Cuma, jangan melanguk di gigi air. Kena cepat dan sabar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Rarely Smile At Strangers

I selalu cakap macam ini dengan semua kenalan baru;

I ni muka sangat straight, bluntly straight. Jadi orang selalu fikir I sombong dan garang. Kalau you mahu, you boleh evaluate sendiri macam mana I sebenarnya.

Sebab I takut nak senyum pada strangers, I rasa macam orang gila. Dan nanti pak Arab banyak terus pasang umpan jadi isteri ketiga.

Jangan risau. I tak pernah makan orang. Unless you mahu jadi orang pertama yang I telan.

Habis ulasan I, mereka pun lari. Sebab I bagi kenyataan yang jujur. Bendanya, I rasa bukan I yang pelik sebenarnya. Orang lain yang actually berfikiran sempit.

Malah, dulu I ada mak bekas kekasih yang awal-awal reject I, atas sebab I bukan sekampung. Jadi, I malas nak buang masa melayan kerenah orang narrow-minded macam ni. Sebab I jenis orang yang tak suka melayan isu yang bodoh.

Dan I rasa, kawan-kawan I sekarang saja lah yang mampu put up dengan otak gila I.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Faithlessly Faithful Vice Versa

The most shameful thing I've ever done was denouncing one's faith by accident. No thanks to my obliviousness. And I have to discredit those who made me believed of the faulty fact.

Next time around, I will have to be extra careful to not offend anyone by my complete ignorance. As to now, I swear myself to not believe hearsay, gossips and whatnot.

On a positive note, I was lucky enough that fella was such a cool dude reacting to my statement. Well, at least I was lady enough to be as innocent and oblivious as I could.

The thing about most of my people, my countrymen, including me, is we are too quick to pass judgment, but slow enough to correct ourselves.

In the event of having or rather wanting to socialise with non-locals (whites are not applicable here), we deem them not equal to our freaking standard. There is no wonder I always get weird faces and reactions whenever I hang out with them. As if it is a peculiar out-of-logic thing to do.

For that, I feel deeply sorry for him, whom up until now, I still offer my apology. Being such a cool sport, he asked for my phone number and now, we regularly talk during classes. But still, my guilt is everlasting.

Nevertheless, I will let my conscience be my guide.

So much of thinking I have met enough people already. And of course, not without those sheepish faces shown to my once timid eyeballs. Hence, will it be okay to grunt?

p/s: I once shouted Oh-My-God so loud at an acquaintance of mine after learning some interesting fact. He, being quite an atheist nonchalantly shouted back, 'Don't call HIM, will ya'. I hehehe-ed. Not that I was trying to convert him or anything, though. Tindakan refleks one might say. Heaven yeah!